Friday 31 January 2014

Slavery Art - modern & old

Kara Walker is a African-American artist who explores race, gender, sexuality, violence and indentity in her works. Her exhibition called "Slavery! Slavery!" represents a panoramic journey into Picturesque Southern Slavery or "Life at 'Ol' Virginny's Hole' (sketches from Plantation Life)". In a way, Walker's goal with her art is to make the viewer gasp and laugh at the same time. "I want to provoke the audience in the most enjoyable way possible"

Installation view, "no place (like home)," at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1997. Cut paper and adhesive on wall, 12 x 85 feet. Photo by Dan Dennehy for The Wal.

Other photos from "Slavery! Slavery!" exhibition.

"Am I Not a Man and Brother?"
is a design of the medallion created as part of anti-slavery campaign by Josiah Wedgwood, 1787.


Monday 20 January 2014


Jamie Reid (born 1947) is an English artist and anarchist with connections to the Situationists. His work, featuring letters cut from newspaper headlines in the style of aransom note, came close to defining the image of punk rock, particularly in the UK

Jamie Reid’s signature newspaper-cutting graphics have become synonymous with the spirit of British punk rock music, having appeared on seminal Sex Pistols’ punk records of the 1970s including Never Mind the Bollocks, Anarchy in the UK, Union Jack, God Save the Queen and Pretty Vacant. 

CRASS - WERE AN ENGLISH PUNK ROCK BAND FORMED IN 1997. .... which promoted anarchism as a political ideology, a way of life and a resistance movement. The word "crass" itself means showing no intelligence and sensitivity. Past members are: Steve Ignorant, Penny Rimbaud, Gee Vaucher, N. A. Palmer, Pete Wright, Phill Free, Eve Libertine, Joy De Vivire (aka Virginia Creeper she was the second female singer along with Eve Libertine), Mick Duffield, John Loder, Steve Herman. 

Crass logo was designed by designer Dave King who was friend of . Their graphic works, tape colleges, poetry and improvisation are considered as ART PUNK. Their logo is probably one of the most common punk tattoos. He was asked by Pen to design logo for their "Reality Asylum" single, " A little frontis piece. I'd print them up on on this rough grey paper and it had a militaristic, communistic feel about it. i thought it'd be nice to have a little insignia on it" So Dave King set the work on a design incorporating the subject matter of the book which are family, state and church - all the power structures. The Crass logo itself if we try to see is a connection of Christian cross, the Swastika, the Union Jack and two snakes devouring each others tails. Dave King said about the logo "The biggest single influence was the Japanese family crests".  It was possible to see original designs for what became the Crass symbol in San Francisco in gallery Goteblud. This exhibition closed on March 5th 2012. Dave King once attended The Crass concert and called all the protestors and fans "keeper of the punk flame".

Propaganda Art...

"And babies" is a propaganda art from 1969, December 26. It's an iconic anti-Vietnam War poster. The picture represents dozen dead and partyl naked South Vietnamese women and children in controlled positions. The caption on the poster is a quote from Mike Wallace CBS News television interview with U.S soldier Paul Meadlo who participated in the massacre. The Quote is: ..........

Q. "So you fired something like sixty-seven shots?"

A. "Right."

Q. "And you killed how many? At that time?"

A. "Well, I fired them automatic, so you can’t- You just spray the area on them and so you can’t know how many you killed ‘cause they were going fast. So I might have killed ten or fifteen of them."

Q. "Men, women, and children?"

A. "Men, women, and children."

Q. "And babies?"

A. "And babies."

Original photograph taken by U.S photographer Ronald L. Heaberle called "My Lai Masscare"
